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Burrower Bug

Burrower Bugs: The Soil-Dwelling Insects

Subheading: The Life of a Burrower Bug

The burrower bug, also known as the Cydnidae family, is a soil-dwelling insect that spends most of its life underground. These insects only leave the soil to migrate to new locations within a field or a nearby field. Their presence and damage are favored by hot and dry conditions.

Burrower Bug Characteristics

Burrower bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that range in color from brown to black. They have a hard exoskeleton and piercing mouthparts. Burrower bugs feed on the roots of plants, and they can cause significant damage to crops.

Burrower Bug Control

There are a number of different methods that can be used to control burrower bugs. These methods include:

  • Cultural practices, such as crop rotation and clean tillage
  • Chemical control, using pesticides
  • Biological control, using parasitoids and predators
By using one or more of these methods, farmers can help to reduce the damage caused by burrower bugs and protect their crops.


